Bookkeeping is the basis of all accounting works. Without the knowledge of proper bookkeeping/double entry (or in layman term: recording of sales and payments), one will not be able to generate the accurate and fair reports for annual financial analysis and budgeting.
Below are some guidelines to help you (or your assistant) on how to keep a tidy record of the most tedious work of all time.
- History of Double Entry Bookkeeping
- Definition and Objective of Accounting and Bookkeeping
- A Brief History of Accounting
- Introduction to International Accounting Standards (I.A.S)
- Definition and Objective of Accounting and Bookkeeping
- Reasons to Study Accounting
- Forms of Business Organization
- Accounting Method
- Basic Accounting Concepts and Principles
- Accounting Cycle
- Disclosures to the Financial Statements
- Income Statement
- Balance Sheet
- Understanding and Classification
- Accounting Equation With Revenue and Expense
- Accounting Equation Without Revenue & Expense
- Introduction of Documents as Information Sources
- Document Flows Between Buyers And Sellers
- How To Use Document Information In The First Notebook
- Types of Journal
- Forms Of General Journal
- Guide to Record in the General Journal
- Uses of General Journal
- Double Entry System
- Record Into Ledger Account
- Balancing And Closing Account
- Folio
- Ledger Distribution